Transcendental meditation program (TM) (also called by some people transendental meditation) is maybe one of the easiest meditation type available today to those of us who want to take up the practice of meditation.
This technique is maybe the most commonly known known to the Westerners because it doesn't require any effort exept simply sitting with your eyes closed for about 15 to 20 minutes in a relaxed position on your chair.
Some people call it a lifestyle, but it really isn't it. You don't have to change anything else in your life to practice TM except spending those 20 minutes away from the daily chit chatter, in quiet and peace.
The way this meditation works is by slowly quieting your mind without having to focus on anything. Most techniques either guide you to clear your mind or to focus on something, be it an object, a notion, an idea, your breath or a deity (like God).
However with learning Transcendental Meditation TM, your mind will be able to experience pure awareness in a very easy way. The transcendental teachings call this 'transcendental consciousness', which is basically your most inner Self.
Currently there are over 5 million people all over the world who are practicing it and this is because it's really that easy to 'pick it up'.
If you ask any person on the street which meditation techniques they have heard of the most, they might say the Buddhist meditation techniques, however if you ask them which one they are practicing (if any at all), it will be TM in most cases.
Many other techniques are spiritual in nature, and they cannot really be scientifically researched. However with Transcendental meditation, the situation is different.
There have been actually quite a number of scientific researches done (over 600 to be more precise) only in the United States, conducted across various universities. Over hundred online and offline journals have published their studies related to this particular type.
The history of TM dates back to the ancient India where the popular Vedic meditation practices of enlightenment have been passed down from one generation to another so that the teachings were not lost over time.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is the person who brought Transcendental meditation (or Transendental meditation) to the eyes of the entire world, making it instantly popular with everyone using the TM-Sidhi Program.
He started the TM Sidhi program in the 1970s, and this made his teachings so well know that these days over 5 millions of people are following Transcendental meditation movement one way or the other.
When you are learning and practicing the techniques of Transcendental Meditation program, you are gaining several of the benefits below:
And finally, through achieving the above benefits, you will drastically lower your levels of stress and will be able to cope with the daily issues overall much better. Going through the next day after the previous will no longer be a burdain, but a real joy.
This technique is maybe the most commonly known known to the Westerners because it doesn't require any effort exept simply sitting with your eyes closed for about 15 to 20 minutes in a relaxed position on your chair.
Some people call it a lifestyle, but it really isn't it. You don't have to change anything else in your life to practice TM except spending those 20 minutes away from the daily chit chatter, in quiet and peace.
How does TM meditation actually work?
The way this meditation works is by slowly quieting your mind without having to focus on anything. Most techniques either guide you to clear your mind or to focus on something, be it an object, a notion, an idea, your breath or a deity (like God).
However with learning Transcendental Meditation TM, your mind will be able to experience pure awareness in a very easy way. The transcendental teachings call this 'transcendental consciousness', which is basically your most inner Self.
If you ask any person on the street which meditation techniques they have heard of the most, they might say the Buddhist meditation techniques, however if you ask them which one they are practicing (if any at all), it will be TM in most cases.
Many other techniques are spiritual in nature, and they cannot really be scientifically researched. However with Transcendental meditation, the situation is different.
There have been actually quite a number of scientific researches done (over 600 to be more precise) only in the United States, conducted across various universities. Over hundred online and offline journals have published their studies related to this particular type.
History of transcendental meditation techniques
The history of TM dates back to the ancient India where the popular Vedic meditation practices of enlightenment have been passed down from one generation to another so that the teachings were not lost over time.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is the person who brought Transcendental meditation (or Transendental meditation) to the eyes of the entire world, making it instantly popular with everyone using the TM-Sidhi Program.
He started the TM Sidhi program in the 1970s, and this made his teachings so well know that these days over 5 millions of people are following Transcendental meditation movement one way or the other.
What are the benefits of practicing TM and why should you start practicing it?
When you are learning and practicing the techniques of Transcendental Meditation program, you are gaining several of the benefits below:
- Enhances the overall functionality of your brain and makes each part of the brain working in tandem with the other in a balanced, cohesive manner.
- Removes stress from your life in a physiological way by dilating the blood vessels and reducing the stress hormones in the body. This actively promotes a healthier way of life.
- Enhances creativity by removing the chatter from the mind, so that new, fresh and creative solutions and ideas are allowed to surface in the mind.
- Increases social adequacy, due to its calming effect on the person. This in turn has a snowball effect of calming other people, making them more social active and loving, which in turn decreases crime, conflict and extreme violence in the population.
- Increases the IQ potential, helping the student perform much better in class, and the employee become much more effective and efficient at work.
Many students who are regularly practicing transendental meditation find themselves being easier able to retain lessons learned in class, and by this they effectively decrease the time spent at home studying.
Employees can now come up with better ways of doing things that enhances their productivity at work, which in many cases earns them a nice bonus or a salary increase.
And finally, through achieving the above benefits, you will drastically lower your levels of stress and will be able to cope with the daily issues overall much better. Going through the next day after the previous will no longer be a burdain, but a real joy.
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