Japa meditation is considered even today one of the most effective meditation techniques used to eliminate stress from your life.
This technique is said to have originated in India around 2300 B.C. The word ‘Japa’ in the original Sanskrit means, ‘to utter softly, to mutter, or to speak internally.’
This meditation requires practitioners to speak a mantra or very short prayer softly and quietly or to oneself. If you are speaking your mantra lightly, yet audibly, this is referred to as Vaikhari Japa.
When you repeat your mantra silently, it is referred to as Manasika Japa. Manasika Japa is usually revered as the most potent of the two Japa types. It is considered more powerful than the first because by not saying out loud the mantra, you involve your entire brain to focus on in by using your inner voice.
It does require a complete focus of the mind. Once this focus is accomplished, outside influences are blocked. Then the practitioner can go very deeply into their meditative state.
At its core, it is a technique that allows the mind to focus on a particular thought by removing any external disturbances. It will help to cleanse the mind from worries and tensions that cloud our judgment from time to time. This type of meditation can be done as a group or on an individual level.
It does this by using a mantra that you keep repeating over and over again. A mantra is a word or syllable from the Sanskrit alphabet, such as 'ah' or 'om', that it is repeated at regular intervals to achieve the desired results. Whether Jehovah, God, Allah, Jah, etc., any name that gives you, as an individual, the highest sense of serenity.
Not every meditation technique uses mantras, however Japa is all based on chanting it throught the practice. By repeating the mantra in your mind or loudly (depending on the type you are doing), you are removing the stress and the tension that surrounds you.
When you are repeating the mantra over and over again, it creates vibrations that are positive in their effects in your life.
Many people use non-Sanskrit words for the mantra, such as evoking the name of God over and over again. One doesn't have to actually use the prescribed words for achieving the same results.
The best way to practice it effectively is by sitting cross legged on the floor. You can also simply sit on a chair with your legs firmly on the floor and your back straight.
Once comfortably seated, start chanting the chosen mantra over and over again, while using a bead rosary made of exactly 108 beads, called Japa Mala. These beads are the Hindu prayer beads commonly used in this type of meditation.
It is important that while meditating to keep your mind focused on the mantra. If you find it wandering around, simply gently guide it back towards the mantra.
This technique can be used by anyone, including beginners since it doesn't need a lot of effort. However this does not mean that you don't need to regularly practice. Just like with everying else in life. Japa meditation needs lots of practice to experience results.
In Japa meditation beads are used much like the rosary beads used in Catholicism. These are known as Japa mala. There are 108 beads on a Japa mala.
The mantra is repeated and counted with the beads and not with numbers in your head.
Traditionally, the mala beads are all the same circumference with one at the middle or end of the chain being slightly larger. This bead is known as the meru. In many religions, the meru is not to be counted or touched. If you do not already have Japa mala, you can still begin practicing it by using the technique outlined in the article below.
You will also need a mantra. A mantra can be a word or a short, one sentenced prayer. This word should be one that evokes a sense of calm or a feeling of inspiration. Most people who practice Japa meditation, use the name of their God.
If you do not have a mantra, you may use the sound of “Aum,” pronounce ’A-oo-um.’ When you begin Japa, it may be best to repeat your mantra aloud. The sound will give you a vibration in your throat and chest which helps you to remain relaxed and focused on the meditation. After a time, when you are comfortable with Japa, you may move on to Manasika Japa.
Dr. Wayne Dyer, the famous best-selling author of such books as Manifest Your Destiny, Wisdom of the Ages and several others, is using Japa in his own daily practice and he is recommends it as well to everyone. In an interview with the Holistic Health Magazine Share Guide, he said:
"My japa has a mantra. It's the repetition of the sound of the Names for the Divine...Usually it has the sound "AH" in it somewhere--whether it's Yahweh, or God, or Krishna, or Allah or Ra or Kali or Durga."
This technique is said to have originated in India around 2300 B.C. The word ‘Japa’ in the original Sanskrit means, ‘to utter softly, to mutter, or to speak internally.’
Using a mantra
This meditation requires practitioners to speak a mantra or very short prayer softly and quietly or to oneself. If you are speaking your mantra lightly, yet audibly, this is referred to as Vaikhari Japa.
When you repeat your mantra silently, it is referred to as Manasika Japa. Manasika Japa is usually revered as the most potent of the two Japa types. It is considered more powerful than the first because by not saying out loud the mantra, you involve your entire brain to focus on in by using your inner voice.
It does require a complete focus of the mind. Once this focus is accomplished, outside influences are blocked. Then the practitioner can go very deeply into their meditative state.
By practicing it, you will find yourself in a place of calm that will help you find inner peace and balance.
At its core, it is a technique that allows the mind to focus on a particular thought by removing any external disturbances. It will help to cleanse the mind from worries and tensions that cloud our judgment from time to time. This type of meditation can be done as a group or on an individual level.
Not every meditation technique uses mantras, however Japa is all based on chanting it throught the practice. By repeating the mantra in your mind or loudly (depending on the type you are doing), you are removing the stress and the tension that surrounds you.
When you are repeating the mantra over and over again, it creates vibrations that are positive in their effects in your life.
Many people use non-Sanskrit words for the mantra, such as evoking the name of God over and over again. One doesn't have to actually use the prescribed words for achieving the same results.
The Right Posture
The best way to practice it effectively is by sitting cross legged on the floor. You can also simply sit on a chair with your legs firmly on the floor and your back straight.
Once comfortably seated, start chanting the chosen mantra over and over again, while using a bead rosary made of exactly 108 beads, called Japa Mala. These beads are the Hindu prayer beads commonly used in this type of meditation.
It is important that while meditating to keep your mind focused on the mantra. If you find it wandering around, simply gently guide it back towards the mantra.
This technique can be used by anyone, including beginners since it doesn't need a lot of effort. However this does not mean that you don't need to regularly practice. Just like with everying else in life. Japa meditation needs lots of practice to experience results.
Accessories for Japa Meditation
The mantra is repeated and counted with the beads and not with numbers in your head.
Traditionally, the mala beads are all the same circumference with one at the middle or end of the chain being slightly larger. This bead is known as the meru. In many religions, the meru is not to be counted or touched. If you do not already have Japa mala, you can still begin practicing it by using the technique outlined in the article below.
You will also need a mantra. A mantra can be a word or a short, one sentenced prayer. This word should be one that evokes a sense of calm or a feeling of inspiration. Most people who practice Japa meditation, use the name of their God.
If you do not have a mantra, you may use the sound of “Aum,” pronounce ’A-oo-um.’ When you begin Japa, it may be best to repeat your mantra aloud. The sound will give you a vibration in your throat and chest which helps you to remain relaxed and focused on the meditation. After a time, when you are comfortable with Japa, you may move on to Manasika Japa.
More about Japa Meditation
Dr. Wayne Dyer, the famous best-selling author of such books as Manifest Your Destiny, Wisdom of the Ages and several others, is using Japa in his own daily practice and he is recommends it as well to everyone. In an interview with the Holistic Health Magazine Share Guide, he said:
"My japa has a mantra. It's the repetition of the sound of the Names for the Divine...Usually it has the sound "AH" in it somewhere--whether it's Yahweh, or God, or Krishna, or Allah or Ra or Kali or Durga."
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