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Monday, October 3, 2011

Brainwave entrainment frequency ranges

When you are using binaural beats for hemisphere synchronization, you are gaining a lot of benefits (listed in the section below) for your health. However in order to get the benefits you actually WANT to get, you need to use the right frequency range, as shown below.

Frequensy range  / wave   / associated with

more than    40 Hz   /  Gamma Waves   / Stress and perception

13 to 40 Hz              /   Beta Waves      / Attention, arousal

07 to 13 Hz             /   Alpha Waves    / Deep relaxation
                                                                  [while awake]
04 to 07 Hz            /    Theta waves      / dreams, deep meditation
                                                                    REM sleep
less than 04 Hz       /    Delta waves      /  Deep dream less sleep

The many benefits of binaural beats
  • Most people have heard of binaural beats in relation to meditation and relaxation - and fun. However they have been used to alter the brainwave frequencies in the medical world as well, especially by neurophysiologists through investigating our sense of hearing.
  • Also studies have shown that indeed binaural beats can minimize anxiety and panic attacks, can help with pain control, insomnia and contribute to several other health benefits when using them. It is all accomplished through the notion of brainwave entrainment.
  • Furthermore, binaural beats seem to reduce learning time in students, which makes them a great learning enhancer. Also this is why it is a great way for practicing meditation techniques, since when meditating, the person enters the Theta waves. Some people even use this practice for lucid dreaming with quite a high degree of success.
  • In addition, psychologists and therapists have used it with success in altering the negative thoughts to positive ones. This creates welcome changes in a person's behaviour.
How to use binaural beats for brainwave entrainment
When I first started using them, I simply had a set of headphones and some sounds that I downloaded online for free and ... well nothing really happened, so I gave up soon on them.
A few months later I was having a conversation with a friend about the various meditation techniques, and he told me that he was using binaural beats quite successfully. We compared notes on how we both used it and it turned out that in order to be successful with it, you do have to do a few things 'right'.
So here are my notes based on what my friend told me, information which was then later confirmed by several online sources as right pointers when using binaural beats for getting the most out of brainwave entrainment:
  • Use only high quality binaural beats that are coming from trusted sites. The reason is that the people who create these beats have the science down in terms of getting the Hz right. The CDs I'm using now are made by the Monroe Institute, and I bought them from Amazon.
  • Make sure to use the right CD for your intent. If you want to listen to the sounds for stress relief, do not use those that are energy boosters. A CD for helping with insomnia should be used when you want to sleep easier, not be used when you want to improve your attention.
  • Please use headphones. You can't listen to speakers and hope that it will work. It WON'T. I have actually tried out several monaural beats that claim to work without headphones, but trust me, once you have the headphones, you will notice the difference right away. You'll never want to go back. Also headphones are rather recommended instead of earphones, you will get much more benefits by using them.
  • The headphones you are wearing should be really high quality. I have actually changed mine which I originally bought for about $10 to a pair of top-notch Sennheiser ones (they are less than $100 for a pair), and the effects were be really felt. Even if you can't afford something more expensive, you should still look for a pair of enclosed headphones that have comfortable padding so that the outside noise is blocked as much as possible.
  • Make sure that you find a comfy and quiet spot in your home, just like when you are meditating. Even the best of the headphones won't be able to completely block out all the outside noises.
  • Have a positive attitude towards the experience. Have faith that it will work. If you are full of skepticism and negativity, it will not work. Your mind will really work towards blocking any experience or benefits you would gain from it. You won't feel anything.
Do what I did and you will really enjoy it. Simply say to yourself that you'll try it out and be open to whatever comes. If nothing happens, you've just spent 8-10 pleasant minutes in a quiet place of tranquility.
With this attitude of openness and even focus towards your what is to come, you will have a great experience.
Just make sure that you do spend at least 8 minutes listening to the sounds as based on scientists claims, the brain needs at least that much for it to become entrained (habituated). By using these accelerated meditation techniques, you can have great results as well, much faster than natural meditation techniques will give you (although for true spiritual growth they are no match for real meditation).


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