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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Different typs of GURU

The scriptures say that one should try to sublimate one's life by seeking a Guru and acting according to his injunctions. How many types of Gurus are there ?

There are 8 types of Gurus :

1. The Bodha Guru - he teaches Sastras and encourages the pupil to act upon Sastraic injunctions.
2. The Veda Guru - imparts inner messages of the Vedas, establishes the pupil in spiritual truths and turns his mind towards God.
3. The Nishiddha Guru - imparts knowledge about rights and duties.
4. The Kaamya Guru - makes one engage himself in Punya (meritorious) karmas to secure happiness in both the worlds.
5. The Vaachaka Guru - imparts knowledge of Yoga and prepares the pupil for the spiritual life.
6. The Soochaka Guru - teaches how the senses are to be controlled through various types of disciplines.
7. The Kaarana Guru - reveals the unity of the jivi and the Atma.
8. The Vihita Guru - clears all doubts, purifies the mind and shows how self-realization can be attained.

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